Does rubbing alcohol kill sperm

Does alcohol kill sperm cells? - Yahoo!.
19.03.2008 · Best Answer: Actually alcohol does kill bacteria and kills them very well. The alcohol should be 70% ethanol or isopropanol. The 30% that is water in this
It does yes, however it is essential to rub the area for at least 10 seconds to kill all the bacteria. A quick wipe with an alcohol wipe isn't effective as an
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Rubbing Alcohol
Does rubbing alcohol kill sperm
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Does rubbing alcohol kill germs - The Q&A.
Rubbing alcohol as an antiseptic Rubbing alcohol is a molecular agent use to prevent and stop the growth of bacteria and create condition that prevent bacteria to
Does rubbing alcohol kill mold - The Q&A.
06.11.2009 · Best Answer: Via drinking or pouring it onto yourself? Yes - read the following article to see where alcohol consumption can screw up a guy's penis